Introduction: Wonder Woman Cork Coasters

I used 1/4 inch cork and made a trio of  WONDERful coasters for myself, since everyone else in the house got a cool retro super hero cork thingummie. :) 

Each coaster measures 4 inches by 3 1/2 inches.
I made a custom stencil for the logo (you can read how to do that here). 
I used Krylon paint this time, and gently sprayed in layers.
Each coaster got several coats of clear acrylic seal, for water repelling.

I am very happy with how the coasters turned out, and I love how even the paint job is - I had been worried that using spray paint on a small surface would lead to a mess, but as long as you tape off and lay your project down on newspapers, you should be just fine!

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