Introduction: Knex Sub Machine Gun ''p90''

About: i like to make knex guns and to play on my xbox 360 and i really like to dance (breakdance)

this is my knex p90 it has a mag that can be hold 12 yellow rods
with special thanks to knex id cool

Step 1: This Is the Back Side

first you gona make the back side of the gun
the first plates are A and E
the second plates are B and D
the last plate is C

Step 2: Make the Grip

now you gona make the grip

Step 3: Make the Handle

now you gona make the handle

Step 4: Make the Loader

now you gona make the loader

Step 5: Make the Trigger

now you gona make the trigger

Step 6: Make the Barrel and the Mag

now you gona make the barrel and the mag

Step 7: Make the Rest of the Gun

now you gona make the last part of the gun