Introduction: Lego Steve

About: Hi, my name is SQuiD people actually call me that in real life (but its just a nickname). People se me as strange and weird (rather be strange and weird than normal right?) I enjoy making things and showing pe…

Hint : Sir Winston is making his own ibble in the back (Much apposed by stark)

Step 1: Head and Upper Half of the Body.

You could also use a block for the head.

Step 2: Arms.

Step 3: Legs.

Normal lego legs with one brick on top and two studs on the bottom.

Step 4: Done!!

Step 5: Pickaxe.

Next you will..... uh oh

Step 6: YIKES!!

Step 7: Have Fun.

While i clean up that mess.

Homemade Gifts Contest

Participated in the
Homemade Gifts Contest

Minecraft Challenge

Participated in the
Minecraft Challenge

Let's Party! Challenge

Participated in the
Let's Party! Challenge

On a Budget Contest

Participated in the
On a Budget Contest