Introduction: Knex Pistol Extremely Aurate

This Instructable will show you how to make an extremely accurate and powerful knex pistol rifle that can shoot knex rods 25-40ft.

Step 1: Building the Barel

It will take 27 yellow pieces ,2 gray rods ,1 black rod, 4 yellow rods ,and 4 ornge rods

Step 2: Building the Second Part of the Barel

this is the part that gives the gun the acurisy you will need 16 yellows, 2 yellow rods, 16 orange rods ,5 blue rods, 3 white rods ,and 2 red rods acutisy

Step 3: Building the Site and Mini Guns

You will need to make two mini guns. Fore this step you will need 18 yelow ,4 yelow rods, 2 loop like things ,4 black connectors ,4 ornge rods, 4 blue rods ,2 white snow flakes ,2 blue things ,2 mini black rods , and 2 reds

Step 4: Finshing Toch

put the barrel and tripod on then the mini guns and site on. make sure when putting the rubber bands on you balance the rod