

Inbox View Profile
LocationMilwaukee, WisconsinJoined
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I used to teach middle school science, but now I run my own online educational science website. I spend my days designing new projects for students and Makers to put together.


500+ Comments Earned a silver medal
1M+ Views Earned a silver medal
Make Some Noise Contest
Contest Winner First Prize in the Make Some Noise Contest
Halloween Contest
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Halloween Contest
Anything Goes Contest
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Anything Goes Contest
Go Big Challenge
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Go Big Challenge
Cardboard Speed Challenge
Contest Winner Second Prize in the Cardboard Speed Challenge
Wearables Challenge
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Wearables Challenge
Toys and Games Contest
Contest Winner Second Prize in the Toys and Games Contest
Anything Goes Contest 2021
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Anything Goes Contest 2021
Micro:bit Contest
Contest Winner First Prize in the Micro:bit Contest
Audio Challenge
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Audio Challenge
Robots Contest
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Robots Contest
Retro Tech Challenge
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Retro Tech Challenge
Make it Move Challenge
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Make it Move Challenge
DIY Summer Camp Contest
Contest Winner Second Prize in the DIY Summer Camp Contest
Block Code Contest
Contest Winner First Prize in the Block Code Contest
Heart Contest
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Heart Contest
Instrument Contest
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Instrument Contest
Wearables Contest
Contest Winner Second Prize in the Wearables Contest
Warm and Fuzzy Contest
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Warm and Fuzzy Contest
PCB Contest
Contest Winner Second Prize in the PCB Contest
CNC Challenge
Contest Winner First Prize in the CNC Challenge
Fiber Arts Contest
Contest Winner Second Prize in the Fiber Arts Contest
Instructables Outdoor Projects Contest
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Instructables Outdoor Projects Contest
Off the Grid Contest
Contest Winner First Prize in the Off the Grid Contest
Green Tech Contest
Contest Winner First Prize in the Green Tech Contest

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