

Inbox View Profile
LocationManchester UkJoined
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A long time Instructables lurker.. now pleased to be an Instructables worker, in; doing instead of doodling. This is easier now that I am 'semi' retired with more time to do stuff. My grandson is becoming a real inspiration for many projects that I hope to submit as I overcome my, paralysis by analysis. If you like what I share then please DO VOTE, it will be very much appreciated.


100+ Comments Earned a bronze medal
1M+ Views Earned a silver medal
Makey Makey Contest
Contest Winner Second Prize in the Makey Makey Contest
Wax Challenge
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Wax Challenge
Oil and Vinegar Challenge
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Oil and Vinegar Challenge
Unusual Uses Challenge
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Unusual Uses Challenge
Outdoor Cooking Contest
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Outdoor Cooking Contest
Hiding Places Contest
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Hiding Places Contest

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