
Haunted Spider

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I work as a Environmental Health and Safety specialist for Clark Reliance. Most of the guys there don't think I would know how to use a hammer. Sometimes, people are more than what they appear. :)


100+ Comments Earned a bronze medal
10K+ Views Earned a bronze medal
Halloween Contest
Contest Winner Grand Prize in the Halloween Contest
Reclaimed Materials Contest
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Reclaimed Materials Contest
Halloween Contest
Contest Winner Grand Prize in the Halloween Contest
Backyard Contest
Contest Winner Second Prize in the Backyard Contest
Organization Contest
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Organization Contest
Halloween Contest 2018
Contest Winner Fifth Prize in the Halloween Contest 2018
Halloween Contest 2017
Contest Winner Second Prize in the Halloween Contest 2017
Rings Challenge
Contest Winner First Prize in the Rings Challenge
Wheels Contest
Contest Winner Third Prize in the Wheels Contest
Halloween Decorations Contest
Contest Winner Grand Prize in the Halloween Decorations Contest

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