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LocationHouston TXJoined
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"I am a crafty girl. I make things. Lots of things. I'll keep making things until my fingers fall off. Then I will grab my hot glue gun reattach those suckers & Make More Things." Kathy R. Jeffords


500+ Comments Earned a silver medal
1M+ Views Earned a silver medal
Edible Art Challenge
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Edible Art Challenge
Hide It Challenge
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Hide It Challenge
Hot Glue Challenge
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Hot Glue Challenge
Prank Challenge
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Prank Challenge
How to Play ____
Contest Winner Runner Up in the How to Play ____
Tailgate Challenge
Contest Winner First Prize in the Tailgate Challenge
Rubber Bands Challenge
Contest Winner First Prize in the Rubber Bands Challenge
Superfood Challenge
Contest Winner First Prize in the Superfood Challenge
Minecraft Challenge
Contest Winner First Prize in the Minecraft Challenge
Butter Challenge
Contest Winner First Prize in the Butter Challenge

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