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A full-time blogger with a passion for cooking and baking! Check out my blog for simple and delicious creations from my kitchen!


10K+ Views Earned a bronze medal
Soup & Stew Speed Challenge
Contest Winner Second Prize in the Soup & Stew Speed Challenge
Cheese Speed Challenge
Contest Winner Second Prize in the Cheese Speed Challenge
Sandwich Challenge 2020
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Sandwich Challenge 2020
Meat Free Meal Challenge
Contest Winner First Prize in the Meat Free Meal Challenge
Cookies Contest
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Cookies Contest
Spicy Challenge
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Spicy Challenge
Pie Contest
Contest Winner Second Prize in the Pie Contest
Sweet Treats Challenge
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Sweet Treats Challenge
Side Dishes Challenge
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Side Dishes Challenge
Gluten Free Challenge
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Gluten Free Challenge
Baking Contest 2017
Contest Winner Second Prize in the Baking Contest 2017

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