Introduction: Plant Health Monitor

About: Please support and share our mission; the Plant Doctor is a non-profit, open source online research laboratory specializing in electronics+plants. Our vision is to bring together nature and technology in a sim…

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update 9/2/2014 you can now see the plant health monitor in action with the life box, the plant shelf and the plant doctor. please subscribe to keep updated.


what? The Plant Health Monitor easily attaches to any plant pot and notifies the user about their plant's health. it also documents the entire growth via webcam, and saves the environment data (humidity, temperature, light sensors). you can watch your plant anywhere in the world and make sure it stays alive. and you can keep track of growth in a way that was never done before..

why? how many people do you know just can't ever successfully grow plants, are you one of those people? no problem. with The Plant Arm you will become the best gardener in no time! it teaches you how to take care of your plant AS you are using it, no instructions, no manuals - ALSO because plants make anywhere a lovely place to live, clean the air and give off positive energy. people work in office spaces with zero sunlight and no live plants anywhere, what if we changed that for the common good?


how? I am scared that with the ever growing technology in the agriculture field, we will eventually forget how to take care of a plant especially if they are grown hydroponically. my solution is simpler, the plant health monitor instead teaches the user how to grow a plant, like a game. no prior gardening experience needed. no sun is needed, no ac plug is needed. just a regular plant in a pot, anywhere/anytime.


youtube video in action;

Step 1: Notification System

the plant health monitor v1.0 - parts list


1 x arduino uno3 - as low as $15 USD

2 x DC fan (5v @200mA each)

1 x thermistor

1 x photoresistor

4 x 3mm standard LEDs (green, yellow, blue, red)

1 x mini breadboard

4 x 220ohm resistors (for standars LEDs)

2 x 10K ohm resistors (for moisture and light sensors)

2 x 10 ohm resistors (for fans and temperature sensor)


basically each sensor has a color coded light.

when everything is optimal conditions, the green light stays on.

yellow light is for lack of light

blue is for water

red is for temperature. . .

if at anytime one of the sensors reads an abnormal activity, the light switches from green to the corresponding color. I could use 1 RGB led instead BUT this way I can see 2 or 3 problems separately at the same time. pinpointing exactly what is wrong. . .

you can also watch live feed of readings from the sensors on your computer, using the arduino serial monitor. . .

Step 2: Code & Schematics

I have also added mini fans to cool down the plant when necessary


to see the plant health monitor in action, please read;

The Plant Arm - Garduino upgrade

The Plant Shelf - Garduino upgrade ( still in works )


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love & peace



animals CAN feel, and animals ARE very smart..!

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