Introduction: Simple Knex Fire Pin and Hopper

About: i m the best


easy to build and holds lots of rods easy to cock and strong

Step 1: Barrel

put 6 tan pieces on each gray rod

make sure a yellow rod can fit in the barrel

18 tan pieces
3 white connectors
1 orange connectors
3 gray rods
1 white rod

Step 2: Barrel and Hopper Construction

add all these orange connectors

12 orange connectors

Step 3: Hopper

the hopper is fairly large

2 white connectors
2 red rods
2 yellow connectors
2 yeloow rods
2 green rods

Step 4: Strenghining Arms and Fire Pin

3 black(gray) rods
3 orange connectors

Step 5: Finishing

ur done