Introduction: Small Simple Knex Pistol

this pistol is small light wieght and it shoots anything that fits in the barrel
now ime sure some of you think this is a copy of killerks pistol but imade this before i saw his and it is a little different
knex pieces for this re standard and anyone thats bought a decent knex set should have the pieces

Step 1: Gather Parts

simple parts very few

15 light grey w/ 2 clips
1 dark grey w/ 1 clip
2 yellow
3 orange/brown
2 clip rod hybrid thing
2 red
10 green

3 red/green
3 green/bleck nubs
1 yellow
2 whites

rubber bands
2 or so the news pper ones are excelent

Step 2: Barrel

hooki it up like picure its prety simple except dont put the ruber bands on

Step 3: Firing Pin

alright this isnt hard but if u dont have one ov thes parts on the end just dont put in the nub and use the clip parralel to the red/green rod
thenj when you put the firing pin in the barrel hook a clip/nub thing inbetween the light and dark grey conectors

the clip nub thing shuld be worn down on the inside otherwis dont use it a way to were it down is put it on some other powerful gun and shoot it many many times

Step 4: Handel

look at the pic super simple

Step 5: Ruberbands/cocking It

put the ruber bands on like in the pic then justpull back the firing pin to cock it the trigger should just click into place

i also added a pic of my m32 mgl(multiple grenade luancher)
due to debute in a month or so