Introduction: Smartie Belt

About: Well I like building, gardening and jazz and many other things ,that have to do with outside stuff like nature....
smartie belt  fun to make or it could a candy holder.the smartie belt is suppose to be one of those things that hold bullets. p.s please vote.

Step 1: Things You Need

things you need  duck tape smarties and a kinfie

Step 2: Cut a Strip

now cut a one long strip of duct tape.

Step 3: Put the Smarties On

now time to put the smarties on now that you put the smarties on. cut another a long strip and put it over the smarties.

Step 4: Connect It

now time to connect the belt now cut a little piece of tape and tape the other end of the belt and now your done! p.s good luck geting the  smarties out.
The Great Outdoors Duct Tape Contest

Participated in the
The Great Outdoors Duct Tape Contest