Introduction: Strike Any Where Fire Starters

About: I'm a tattoo artist and former Marine. I like just tinkering with stuff to keep boredom away on my days off.

Super Quick to make they eliminate the need to search for matches and are very handy for wood stoves and camping!

Step 1: What You Will Need

things you need

egg carton
shredded paper (or pine shavings)
strike anywhere matches
wax (I use old candles)
a jar (to melt the wax)
a pot with water
a knife

Step 2:

Put the wax in the jar 
put the jar in the pot of water 
bring the water to a boil until the wax has melted

Step 3: Sharpen Match

use a knife to sharpen a match

Step 4: Pouring

pack the paper in the egg carton
pour the wax in to the carton filling each cup (use gloves while pouring the jar will be hot!)
now cut the cups apart 

Step 5:

insert the match in the side 
of each cup
( I first tried to put the match in the cup but they moved to much to light easily so I switched to the side it works much better)
now your done
I keep them by my wood stove they will burn for at least 5 min, 
they are also good for camping.