Introduction: The S1 Bullpup Bolt Action Remov. Mag Rifle

About: I used to build K'nex guns. I'd like to think I've grown to be quite good at it, however, I've lost most of my interest in K'nex over my first couple of years in High School, but I do occasionally still come o…
hey guys ! i am finally posting this gun i presented originally in my "three bolt action delights" instructable. as the title says, it is a bullpup bolt action rifle with a removable magazine. it functions awesomely and gets around 50 feet with 1 band, and about 90-100 feet with two bands. to get more information about it, refer to my three bolt action delights instructable. so here you go, enjoy.

don't miss my other new instructable for my S3, as well as my two new forums. i also uploaded the pics for my FKG and added two new pictures to my S2 'ible for the new pin guide support.

don't forget to RATE COMMENT AND SUBSCRIBE !!! for more awesomeness.

Step 1: Build the Gun

in this step you will be building the entire gun. good luck.

Step 2: The Magazine

in this step you're gonna build the awesome magazine this gun is based on.