Introduction: A Better Yourself (for Teens and Young Adults)

About: I'm a hobbyist and explore different hobbies whenever I get time.
A Better Yourself is just a few steps away. In this period of being locked in your home due to a global health crisis, discover a new yourself and your hidden potentials. By the end of this instructable, you'll get to know about all the necessary hacks to make yourself much better than you're now and also find your long lost talents. So guys, stop procrastinating and let's get started.

Step 1: Decluttering Your Life and Setting Your Goals

Only you can change your life. No one else can do it for you. Do you daydream all day? Is it procrastination which is keeping you back from fulfilling your dreams? Or are you simply too laid back? It's the perfect time for you to declutter your life, become organised and act wisely to achieve your goals. Grab your notebook and start writing down your goals. This is the twentieth year of the century and my piece of advice to you is to chalk down 20 achievable goals within this year.
Are you a student and have your exams after this lockdown is lifted? Do you dream of an excellent scorecard in your upcoming semester? Are you planning to give a new job interview? Or is getting a promotion your primary focus? Write down your goals.

Step 2: Work for Your Goals.

Now it is the time to start working for your goals. Push yourself. Push your limits. Note down the steps you've to follow to achieve your goals and start following them. List down your distractions and cut them away from your life. Be strict on yourself. Remember, you're the one who stops you from becoming the best version of yourself. So, you've to overcome your barriers and give your best to your life. Your life will bow down to you and fulfill you with presents you've never imagined.
Start your day at the same time everyday. Try to wake up early. Make your daily routine every morning. Stick to it. Don't leave works pending. Join some online courses and improve your areas of weakness.

Step 3: Do Workout Daily.

Make workout a part of your daily routine. You don't always need to hit the gym or play a spot to keep yourself in shape. Set aside 30 minutes a day for exercise. Search the internet and find the best home workout for your body type. Follow it. Jogging on the rooftop or speed walking in your backyard can be great ways to shed calories. And last but not the least, consume healthy food and maintain personal hygiene.

Step 4: Discover Your Passions.

Was your drawing copy your favourite thing as a child? Was dancing your all time favourite? Did singing give you immense pleasure? Ladies and gentleman, wake up and discover your talents. All of us are gifted with some flairs which remains undiscovered in most cases. You're the one who can bring yourself out of your shell and shine like never before.
You can try different types of art such as oil, acrylic, water colour or pastel paintings, abstract painting, modern art, zentangles or pointillism. You can try singing, dancing, acting, cooking, baking, crafting poetry and short stories, watching movies, calligraphy, origami, crafts work, playing chess, recitation, reading story books and clicking photographs. You can also learn new things such as how to solve a Rubik's cube, meditation, abacus, self defence and can develop an interest in astronomy. Go out of the box. Think for yourself. Achieve the best.

Step 5: Love Yourself

Be yourself, accept yourself, value yourself, forgive yourself, bless yourself, express yourself, trust yourself and above all love yourself. You've to love yourself first in order to love others and love the world. Accept your shortcomings, overcome them and love yourself for who you're. Don't change yourself for what others think, change yourself if you feel it is worthy. Build up your self confidence and become a successful man/woman. All of you can achieve it.

Some final advices for all of you-
• Don't go with the flow. Try to think out of the box.
• Be a keen observer and true listener.
• Learn from your mistakes.
• Choose your friend circle wisely.
• Love yourself.