Introduction: April Fools! Fake Demerit

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This is a funny April Fools prank I played on my parents. They got SO MAD when they saw it. Even Madder when they found out it was a joke.

Since I don't have any demerits right now, I whipped up a fake one in MSPaint. You don't want to print this out and use it, because it's SO FLIPPIN OBVIOUS IT'S FAKE

Step 1: You Need:

- A School with demerits
- A Teacher with demerits

Step 2: Step 1: Approching the Teacher

Go to the teacher and say "Hey, I wana play a prank on my parents. Can you help me get a fake demerit?"

Step 3: Step 2: Make It Bad, Make It Convincing.

Something like clogging the toilets , talking back to teachers pulling the fire alarm, punching a kid in a face, damaging school property, anything of the sort.

What I did was under where it says "teacher comments" it would say
"Talked back to teacher -See comments on back"

Step 4: Step 3: Getting It Done So They Don't Think Its Serious at the End

On the back, have it say APRIL FOOOOOOOLS!

Step 5: Finishing It Off

At the end, you may want to sleep outside that night.