Introduction: Cute Bracelet

Step 1: Tools and Supplies

2 different kinds of string/cords 1 button Clipboard Scissors Lighter

Step 2: Starting Out

Loop one string/cord under the clip and lay the other string/cord over the other evenly. Pull the ends through and over.

Step 3: Follow Through

Wrap around outside strings/cords and pull through the middle. Then tighten up the strings/cords.

Step 4: The Knotting

Take one string/cord wrap it around the outside string/cord and over itself. Tighten that up and the repeat an the same side with the other string/cord.

Step 5: Repeat

Repeat on the other side.

Step 6: Finish Up

Do the same thing all the way down and tie it of. Then tie the button on and cut of the ends of the string/cord.

Step 7: Wear or Gift

Now you have a new bracelet to wear and it's great as a gift. Enjoy!
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