Introduction: DIY Electric Toy Boat
Simple DIY project to make home with kids or just for fun.
Part list:
- foam
- 3x AA batteries
- battery holder
- electric motor
- tinplate from tin can
- two side tape
- hot glue
- wires
- bbq bamboo stick
- paper knife
- scissors
- bradawl
Step 1: Boat
Draw boat shape on sheet of paper, then on foam. Cut foam to size.
Step 2: Propeller
Mark propeller dimensions on tinplate and cut with scissors (don't use good scissors - they could be damaged)
Take bbq bamboo stick and punch hole in boat. It will be propellers axle
Make center hole with bradawl, then glue propeller on bamboo stick
Step 3: Motor and Steering
Take a hot glue and attach motor to axle. Then glue motor to boat. Keep in mind that foam could melt because of hot glue.
Attach battery holder to boat with two side tape
Cut steering plates from tinplate, make cuts in back of boat and place them there
Connect wires from battery holder to motor
Step 4: Take a Ride
Put boat in water, start engine and you are ready to go