Introduction: DIY Needle Holder

About: I work in the mental health field as therapist in a residential treatment program. I also have a duel career in health and wellness doing massage and personal exercise training. My hobbies which spill over in…

Easy and crafty way to keep emergency needles on you without risking getting poked or the needles falling out.

Step 1: Supplies


Heavy paper



Step 2: Cover

Measure and cut a long rectangular strip about 5". Long enough to fold up on both ends to make the match pack. Fold the bottom 1/4-1/2" up.

Step 3: Felt

Cut a piece of felt to fit inside the cover. Staple the bottom to secure it.

Step 4: Fold Top

Fold the top piece of the cover over the felt and trim it if needed.

Step 5: Needles

Add needles and fold the top inside the bottom cover, like a real match book.

MacGyver Challenge

Participated in the
MacGyver Challenge

Makerspace Contest 2017

Participated in the
Makerspace Contest 2017

Sew Cool Contest

Participated in the
Sew Cool Contest