Introduction: DIY Water Bottle/Laptop Stickers With Around-the-House Items

This project is super easy and fun. It is a perfect boredom buster and great to show off to your friends. The best part is that you can personalize it however you'd like!


  • Clear Packing Tape
  • Notebook and Pens (to create your drawing)
  • Scissors
  • Parchment Paper

Step 1: Drawing

Create your drawing. This could be freehand, or it could be printed. You could also cut out coloring pages and use those if you'd like. Try to make your drawing small enough so that it will easily fit on to a strip of packing tape.

Step 2: Cut

Use the scissors to cut your drawing along the lines. I prefer to cut along the lines because it'll make this project easier later on, but you could bubble cut if you want.

Step 3: Tape Part 1

Cut a piece of tape that is larger than your drawing. Place the sticky side on top of your design's colored side.

Step 4: Tape Part 2

Now, cut another piece of tape roughly the same size as the first. The smooth side should be facing down so it will stick to the first piece of tape. If you have done this right, the colored side of your should feel smooth, and the uncolored side of your sticker should be sticky.

Step 5: Parchment

Cut a piece of parchment paper about the same size as the two pieces of tape, and put it down on the bottom of the sticker (the sticky side).

Step 6: Final Steps

BUBBLE CUT the whole sticker, tape and parchment included, and you will be left with an amazing creation. When you are ready to use it, peel off the parchment and stick the back of the sticker to a water bottle or laptop.

On a Budget Challenge

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On a Budget Challenge