Introduction: Delicious Honey Peanut Snack

About: Follow @FayeTheBird on Instagram
One time I was in the store and I saw these little packets (really little, maybe two or three inches long) filled with different flavored "nut-butter" mixes. For example they had hazelnut chocolate, almond maple, and cashew vanilla.

I had tried each of the different flavors and they were so good! The only problem was that they were so expensive!

So I was messing around with different ingredients, and I discovered this amazing recipe for peanut butter honey bannana snack!

Step 1: Numnums

What you will need is...

-Creamy Peanut Butter

Step 2: Scoop It

Scoop a generous amount of peanut butter into your bowl or cup.

Step 3: Your Bananas, Honey!

Mix in a spoonful of honey and mix it up to it has a consistent texture.

Now just chop up you bannana and place it on top of your yummy mix!

Step 4: Enjoy

Now just sit back and wolf down your (some-what) healthy snack!

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Sky Productions