Introduction: Diy Wood Clamp

About: I'm a fabricator, Maker, Modder and music lover.

I've needed a clamp that will not scratch the piece I am working on. I have tried putting a rag in a vise and holding it like that but I thing a softer material is best for the job. Let's make a wood clamp.

Step 1: Tools and Materials

Let's gather the following things.

For our materials We will need
two 9" pieces of wood
Two cross nuts
Two bolts

Jig saw
Tape measure u

Step 2: Layout

Measure 1 inch on the piece of wood and make a on the top side measure 2 inches and make a line. From the opposite end measure 2 inches and 5 inches.transfer the lines to another face and find the center.

Step 3: Let's Get Drilling and Cutting

Now we need to drill and saw. Sounds simple but be careful.

Step 4: Final Touches

With the holes been drilled out now insert the nuts and bolts. And we are done start clamping stuff together.

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