Introduction: Easy Polymer Clay Beads

About: I am an Industrial Designer, who obviously loves to create. Now that I am a mom, most of my creations are inspired by my daughers. I believe that if more parents were making stuff with their kids, the world wo…

I'm sure I'll never have enough necklaces. But my wallet says I'll never have enough money to buy them.

So I need to get creative and make them by myself. And I like some of them better than the ones at the store. This is one of those.

I spent less than $4 in all the materials I used for this necklace. Oh how I love polymer clay!

Step 1: Gather Your Materials

Polymer clay. I like the premo sculpey



Your jewellery making supplies and tools

Step 2: Round Stamped Bead

Just make a small ball, squeeze it a little bit to have a small flat surface.

Now stamp it to impress a delicate design on it.

Step 3: Faceted Diamond Bead

Try a different shape with the same clay. Start with an oval shape, and make thinner the edges.

Using a cutter make straight cuts in several angles to make it look faceted.

Before baking the clay insert a pin or wire to make the hole that you'll need later to assemble the necklace.

Bake your clay according to the manufacturer´s instrucctions.

Step 4: Assemble

Finish your necklace with a chain, and add extra beads.


Makerspace Contest 2017

Participated in the
Makerspace Contest 2017