Introduction: Grape Peeling Lifehack

About: Making is my passion!

Unfortunately my 10 month old son loves grapes so this caused me a lot of headache... After some days this method looked to be the easiest for me.

Step 1: Watch the Video

Some other advise if you want to pell grapes:
- Try to buy seedless grapes

- Try to buy larger grapes

Step 2: #1

Put the grapes between two plates and cut them through with sharp long knife. Push the upper plate down while cutting. Watch for your hands!!!

Step 3: #2

Take a small coffee spoon and remove all of the seeds

Step 4: #3

Put a half grape to the cutting board. Cut off the skin while pushing the blade and rolling the grape at the same time.

After that if there some left skin at the ends cut them off with the knife.

Step 5: The End

This is not an everyday problem but might can help if you want to peel grapes.

If you have any better technique please share in the comment section.

Step 6: Don't Forget to Check Out the Video Please

As always thanks for your support!