Introduction: Halloween Costume Pirate Carrying Treasure Chest

Halloween Costume Pirate Carrying Treasure Chest

Unfortunatelly i didn't make any fotos wile i was building the costume.
I Simply had no time beacuse it had to be ready in two days. Waited until the last moment :-)
But when i deconstructed it, i took a lot. So you just have to watch them in reverse.

Time: Medium approx. 10 hours

Costs: Not measurable


  • Cardboard Box and Stripes
  • Acrylic Paint
  • Pirate Costume for the carrying figure including gloves, trouser, mask and hat
  • Your Costume
  • A Stick
  • Garbage Bags
  • Plenty Newspaper


  • Cutting Knife
  • Glue Gun
  • Brushes
  • Zip Ties
  • Adhesive Band

Step 1: How to Do It

How to do it:

  • Find a box that is big enough for you
  • Cut out the bottom so that you fit in nicely
  • Apply the decorations made from cardboard stripes
  • Apply extra cardboard for sturdiness on the bottom and the inner of the box
  • Enforce the back of the box where the stick of the figure will be
  • Paint everything
  • Build figure with head, arms, hands and legs
  • Put all together

Step 2: Details


The Body is made out of garbage bags wich are stuffed with newspaper

Adhesive band helps to bring the bags to the desired shape

First i made the chest and stuck the stick right through it, secured with adhesive band

For the hands i rolled some paper as fingers, stuck them into the gloves and attached them to the arms

After the arms with hands were attached to chest it was time for the head. Just stick it on top.

An additional back was made for the figure to look more realistic

The eyes for the mask are halloween chocolate candy

Now dress that thing and make it look real