Introduction: Halloween Skeleton Fairies

About: Mom of boys, happy wife, acrylic painter, amateur gardener, craft maker, Halloween enthusiast, travel lover and sunshine fan. In a nut shell

This was a Halloween Project I did a few seasons back.

Step 1:

I fell in love with these types of little guys on Pinterest so I thought I would try. DIY-ing my own Skeleton Fairies.

Step 2:

Basic miniature skeletons from the dollar store. To change their shape, you place the parts you want to bend into really hot water then dunk it into ice water after to hold the shape. (my flying guy)

Step 3:

This is going to be my pensive Fairy. hehe

Step 4:

So with lots of feathers from a Dollar store mask and a bit of left over yarn my one legged (it was broken, I noticed after I got home). My lounging "Queen Fairy".

Step 5:

I like how this little man turned out. My flying "Hunter Fairy".

Step 6:

Step 7:

My pensive "Grandma Fairy".

Step 8:

I snatched up this cage at a yard sale last year. Perfect for housing my Fairies. Though I found smaller little cages at Michaels this year and may put them in their own cages to show case them a bit better.

Not to bad!!

Step 9: