Introduction: Hare and Tortoise

Hare and Tortoise is a double marble run made entirely out of paper.


card stock

paper cutter



Step 1: Straight Tracks

Single Strip Track:

Cut card stock paper into strips that are about 2.25” wide.

Create 1/4” walls by folding the length of the strip on both sides.

Double Strip Track:

Cut card stock paper into 2 strips that are about 2” wide.

Create a 1/4” wall by folding the length of the strip on one side.

Mirror the 2 folded strips and attach them together with tape by overlapping them.

Step 2: Curved Tracks

Curved tracks:

Cut card stock paper into strips that are about 2” wide.

Create a 1/4” wall by folding the length of the strip.

Use scissors to cut slits up to the fold.

Tape the slits to make concave and convex curves.

Cut thinner slits to design smoother and more acute curves.

Step 3: Supports

Create shorter and smaller cylinders as supports.

Attach them to the base.

Tape the walls or the floors of the tracks to the supports.

Step 4: Build Part A

Part A is the main component of the project.

Roll a sheet of card stock into a cylinder.

Start with 2 cylinders of different heights.

Space these 2 bases apart and connect them with the first track.

Attach curved tracks to the starting track and build in both directions.

Step 5: Build Part B

Create a taller and wider base.

Attach additional cylinder(s) to stabilize the base at the bottom.

Cut 2 slits on one side of the cylinder at the top of the base.

On the opposite side, cut 2 slits that are slightly longer.

Fold down the tabs in either direction.

Place a track on top of the tabs between the slits.

Secure the track in place with tape.

Attach other tracks to this starter track towards the top of this cylinder.

Connect Part B (this tall component) to Part A (shorter component) with a new track.

Step 6: Build Part C

Create an intermediate base.

Cut 2 slits on one side of the cylinder at the top of the base.

On the opposite side, cut 2 slits that are slightly longer.

Fold down both tabs in the same direction towards the top.

Place a track on top of the tabs between the slits with the lower end of the slope on the edge of the circumference of the (base) cylinder.

Create a narrower cylinder and attach it to the base directly below the lower edge of the starter track.

Make a separate long track with one end curving up to the bottom of this narrow cylinder.

Step 7: Connect

For a large project, create components that can be assembled and disassembled.

Paper Contest

Participated in the
Paper Contest