Introduction: How to Carve and Decorate a Cute Pumpkin

About: Hello, I'm Coolloom, and I love to make instructables. Please Visit, Comment and Like my instructables I visit everyday and post Instructables twice a month
Hi!! happy Halloween today I'm gonna tell you how to carve a cute pumpkin.

Step 1: What Do We Need

- Carving tools

Step 2: Opening

Open your pumpkin's head and take out all the Seads and stuff

Step 3: Carving

Sketch your pumpkin with a sharpie on the pumpkin. the carve it out

Step 4: Decorating

Take paint and color the lips. And eyelashes nose etc

Step 5: Done

put the head on and light up a candle
Halloween Decor Contest 2015

Participated in the
Halloween Decor Contest 2015

Pumpkin Challenge

Participated in the
Pumpkin Challenge

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Epilog Contest VII