Introduction: How to Make Heart Shaped DIY Photo Frame From Waste Cardboard?
Photo frames are a must in every home because they create memories. A picture can say a thousand words and therefore photo frames find their place in every home.
Here we are going to make a beautiful and decorative photo frame from cardboard. This photo frame can be used for gifting purpose as well.
Step 1: Things Needed to Make DIY Photo Frame
- Color Paper
- Cardboard
- Glitter Foam Sheets
- Pencil
- Glue Stick
- Cutter
- Scale
- Scissors
- Glue gun
- Decorative Pearls & Stones
Step 2: Let's Cut the Cardboard With Dual Heart Shaped Design!
- Take a cardboard and measure 19*14 cm on it. Draw a rectangular box with these measurements.
- Draw another inner rectangular box measuring 16*11 cm.
- Draw two heart shapes inside the frame.
- Cut the outer rectangular box.
- Draw another inner outline inside the hearts as shown. This will be the dual heart line for the craft.
- Use a cutter to cut out the inner line drawn on the heart shape.
- Take another cardboard and draw a rectangular box with the same dimensions as the original one. Now cut out this rectangular piece.
Step 3: Let's Cut the Glitter Sheet!
- To make the photo frame stand, take a thick cardboard and draw the
- Cut along the design.
- Now fold the cut-out photo frame stand.
- Take the photo frame and draw the same dimensions on a colour sheet. Cut along the drawing. We need 2 such pieces.
- Now paste the colour paper into the photo frame and the stand.
- Take the glitter sheet and draw the heart shape design on the sheet.
- Cut the sheet by measuring 16*11 cm.
- Now, cut out the outer shape of the heart using a cutter.
Step 4: Let's Paste the Foam Sheet & Stand!
- Take a yellow colour foam sheet and cut the border by measuring 1.5 cm.
- Paste the glitter sheet and the foam sheet on the cardboard frame.
- Now take the photo frame stand and paste on the backside of the frame.
Step 5: Let's Decorate the Photo Frame!
- It is now time to decorate the photo frame. Take the pearls and decorate it on the inner side of the heart shape.
- Take the larger pearls and paste it on the yellow foam sheet.
- Now decorate the heart shape border using golden beads.
- Apply glue on 3 sides of the frame leaving the top edge untouched.
- Paste the frame on the photo frame stand as shown.
Your Photo Frame is now ready to use!
Step 6: Conclusion
You can insert your favourite photograph in it. You can insert the pictures of your loved ones and gift it to them as well. They are definitely going to love this unique and decorative photo frame.
Hope you have enjoyed making this craft. In case of any suggestion or feedback, please share the same in the comment section.
Happy Crafting!!