Introduction: How to Make Easy Loom Bracelete

Hey everyone! Loom bands are too famous in these days.Making some nice and pretty bracelets is a little hard.But today I am going to show you how to make very easy,cute and cool loom bracelete,so lets begin! :D

Step 1: What You Need

(1) Loom bands

(2) Loom stick (optional)

(3) Mini loom (or you can also make on fingers)

(4) S or C clip

Step 2: Step 1

First of all,put a white rubber band on your fingers or mini loom with a twist like a figure 8.

Step 3: Step 2

Then add two rubber bands (shown yellow here) on one side.

Step 4: Step 4

Then add one more white rubber band and take the down white rubber band and put on the up one as shown above .Do the same to the other side.

Step 5: Step 5

Then add two more colour rubber bands (shown orange here).

Then add one white rubber band and put the down white rubber band on the up one as shown above.Do the same to the other side.

Step 6: Step 6

Then take the double colour rubber band (the down one,shown yellow here) and put it on the up side as shown above.

Step 7: Step 7

Put two colour rubber band (shown here blue) and put a white rubber band.

Then grab the down white rubber band on the up one.Do the same to the other side.

Step 8: Step 8

Grab the down colour rubber band (shown orange here) and put it on the up side.

Now keep repeating the same step until the desired length is done.

Step 9: Almost Finished :D

When you reach at the end so add a white rubber band and put the down white rubber band on the up side.Do the same to the other side and grab the colour rubber bands (shown orange here) and put it on the up side.

Step 10: Finishing the Bracelet

Take a C or S clip and take out both sides from your mini loom or fingers and hook it into the hook.Hook the bracelet from the other end of the bracelet and wear it.TADAAAA ! Its ready!

So, I hope you liked the bracelet! Enjoy!