Introduction: Japanese Paper Bead Necklace
Hi! It's aardvark back for a second instructable - this time we are going to make a necklace out of paper not clay. I like to give these necklaces as presents as they can be easily varied depending on what paper you use. Enjoy!
Step 1: Materials
- Hemp cord or any other thin string
- a ruler
- a pencil
- a small lid or container for glue and mod podge
- small cardboard box
- scissors
- lots of toothpicks
- paintbrush
- white/clear glue
- mod podge or decoupage glue
- fasteners (my favourite are the barrel screw clasps)
- A bead mat (optional)
- 3 pieces of decorative Japanese paper
Note: there are 5 pieces of paper in the photo as I wanted to make additional beads. the brighter and more complex your paper the more extravagant your necklace.
Newspaper makes an amazing black and white necklace.
Step 2: Halving
Fold the paper in half and cut.
Step 3: Marking
Take the paper half and with a pencil mark from 2cm every 2cm. On the opposite side mark from 1cm every 2 cm. If you do not understand look at the picture and see that one side is different to the other in its' markings. Please use a ruler as it will make your life easier for the next step.
Note: I only used a black marker for clarity in these instructions, I would recommend using a less obvious marker, or it will give your beads black marks.
Step 4: Cut
Cut along the lines and you will come out with nice long triangles. There are many variations of bead and they depend on the length, width and shape of the initial triangle (or other shape). A rectangle makes a bead with no varying width so I use triangles.
Step 5: Rolling
Now the hardest bit. Pick up a toothpick and put the widest end of the triangle on it then start rolling. Roll it until there is only a little bit of paper left. Put a dab of glue on it and stick it down.
Step 6: Drying
After the rolling stage you are left with a bead on a toothpick. Stick the toothpick into your cardboard box and let it dry for 2 minutes.
Step 7: Finishing the Beads
When the beads are dry, mod podge or decoupage glue over them with a paintbrush, then let them dry for 2 minutes. If your beads are not shiny enough you can put a layer of nail lacquer over them.
Step 8: Threading the Necklace
Cut a piece of hemp cord or string that is 80cm or 31.5" long. Then thread every bead onto the string and attach a fastener to each end. Your necklace is complete and should look a little bit like the one above.
Thankyou so much for looking at this instructable. Please comment below if you thought anything could be done better or if you have any questions. If you made it please show me as I really want to see my design in action and hit the "I made it" button below.
Be an aardvark, do something different!