Introduction: Easy Universal Joint ( Only 31 Parts )

About: hello everybody plz take a look to my instructables and tell me what you think from them.
Hello guys 
First, I apologize for my bad english.
I'll show you how to make a knex camshaft or universal joint( or whatever it is ??)
I hope this instructable will be helpfull for some people.
If you have any questions, just ask me.

( this is my first instructable so if you have any tips and tricks for me... )

Step 1: What You Need

This is what you'll need.

Step 2:

Make 2 of those...

Step 3:

Add the blue rods...

Step 4:

Add some gray connectors...

Step 5:

Make 2 of them...

Step 6:

Add the gray rods and the tan clips...

Step 7:

Put all the parts together and you are done.

Step 8: Here You Can See How to Use It...