Introduction: Knex Easy-Build 'Special' Gun

About: I shoot stuff, make funny videos , mess around with mt bro play my ds and other cool stuff boys find fun
This is a new type of gun I found out when I was bored, its really cool. It uses minimal pieces and a true trigger. Although it is rather inaccurate it still has mediocre power and, did I say it uses hardly any pieces?

Step 1: Handle


Step 2: Trigger


Please view note. If you cannot see it, it says 'This is a grey connector on the end of a gray rod (you American's happy now?). IMPORTANT Elastic Band is small but tough. Feed elastic band through grey piece and loop through other end.'

Step 3: Sliderod


Step 4: Assemble

Slide the trigger on the elastic band holder.

Step 5: Assemble

Snap on the trigger.

Step 6: Assemble

At front of sliderod make as shown.

Step 7: Assemble

Latch band over green piece at top of trigger.(Bad lighting sorry)