Introduction: Lego Pocket Car
This instructable shows you how to make a fun little lego car that can fit in your pocket and do almost anything! You can modify it and even make it rc. but in this intstructable i just show you how to make it (not modified).
Step 1: Things You Will Need
- 4 small lego wheels
- 2 skinny black lego wheel holders
- 2 small 3/4 of an inch high square lego pieces
All shown in the picture below.
- 2 skinny black lego wheel holders
- 2 small 3/4 of an inch high square lego pieces
All shown in the picture below.
Step 2: Step 1
make 2 sets of wheel using the wheel holders and 2 wheels on each holder.
Step 3: Step 2
now put the 1 of the squares on top of the other.
Step 4: Step 3
put the 2 squares on either set of wheels as shown in the picture
Step 5: Finish
Now to finish just put the other set of wheels on the other side of the square and you've got your Lego Pocket Car.