Introduction: Magnified Zip

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Zip has always been a part of our lives. It has succored us in numerous activities. In-fact, we have witnessed many incidences which showed the helping nature of zip. the world of textile has really become easier and faster. I have seen many kinds of zip, mainly used on cloths. Being inspired from them, I thought of making something which looks attractive and worth-seeing by the seeker.

I endeavored thinking new ideas but due to some issue they couldn't took over. But somehow the idea ended up with is now my most interesting thing. It looks attractive, dashing and worthy in its view.

In this instructable, I am going to share many tips and tricks to acquire better results.

Step 1: Tools + Components



Follow the steps and make your own creative sketch/ painting.

[NOTE: Use appropriate amount of water when required. More water will make the solution consistency inappropriate. Less water will make the solution dry, that can even spoil the project. Measurement in ml (Millilitre) is marked to get better results.]

Step 2: Designing Thy Elements

Pictures provide brief information than written stuff. Perhaps, pictures of every step have been uploaded to make your concept more clear which will in turn reflect your project. Lets go some into steps.

  1. Take a foam packaging sheet.
  2. With a ruler and a marker, draw a perpendicular line of 1 cm from one side of the sheet.
  3. Make another perpendicular line of width 2 cm ( You can change this measurement according to your space. Eg. Take greater measurements fill you have large space and visa-versa) adjacent to the previous line.
  4. If your sheet is not perpendicular from the breadth, make a straight line to make it perfect. ( You don't have to do this step if your sheet is perfect/straight.)
  5. Make points of 1 cm (centimetre) on both the sides of the boundary. (You can change the measurements as you wish, but follow that measurement in all the points.) [Follow the picture]
  6. Joint the points to make a rectangle.
  7. Cut all the rectangles from the sheet.
  8. Now, make 2 pairs each of 3 rectangles and attach them above each other using paper pin. ( You can use a glue instead but it should have greater bond)
  9. Keep the structure aside.
  10. Take a container ( Always spread a sheet under it either your mom will scold you and forbid you from playing video games.) and add some school glue in it ( Measurement: 2 ml or one small tea spoon)
  11. Add some water ( Measurement: 1 ml or half the small tea spoon) and mix it well.
  12. Now dip you square brush ( Size: 4) into the solution for 30 to 45 seconds and keep it under sun for drying. ( The school glue will make the brush hair harden which will help for straight painting.) [This is another option for you to paint the rectangle boxes. You can even use the rectangles for this purpose.).
  13. Follow the images to further make the zip design.( If you know how to make zip with hands, no need to make the foam sheet zip.) [Further steps will show you the process of making zip with bare hands].

Step 3: Printing Hacks With Foam Packaging Sheet

Recall the things that we did in the last step. There comes the time to check whether the things are working or not. For this you have to follow the further steps.

  1. Take a container and add water in it. (Measurement = 2 ml) [ As further said, you can change the measurement/ quantity of water according to the space you have. ]
  2. Take black paint and add it in the container. (Measurement = 3 ml). [NOTE: Choose color according to the background]
  3. Mix it well till the black paint completely mixes with the water. The paint consistency should be 1 ml more than the water.
  4. Take the rectangles which we had pin together and dip it inside the paint as shown in the picture.
  5. Slowly, but quickly, keep the rectangles on the sheet and lift it carefully.
  6. Then you will see the print on the paper. Don't worry if the boundaries are not perfect. You can make it better using a marker pen.
  7. Now take the glued paint brush and dip it in the paint.
  8. Try making boxes using it as shown in the picture.

You can use one of these two methods to make the index of the project. I have done my project using the paint brush because it uses less paint. But if you have a problem of painting, its better to use the printing method

The same thing can be done using the zip which we had made earlier.

Step 4: The Final Showdown

Gather all the things which we had make in early step. Choose a point on your canvas from where you want to begin your creativity. In thy end, follow the steps to accomplish our goal.

  1. Clean your canvas with a wet cloth.
  2. Start printing ( using the rectangles ) or painting ( using the brush )
  3. You can even print the key. If you don't want to print, use a round brush ( size = 2) and follow the steps given in the picture and the PDF uploaded.
  4. After printing the key, make 4 to 5 rectangles diagonal from one side and the same on another. ( Notice the picture for the same.)
  5. At last, make a backbone from the starting point till the zip.


You can also make the same painting/ design as zebra - crossing. Check the Tools/ Components for it.

Extra Items:-

Follow the same steps that we used to make the Magnified zip.

NOTE: Instead of paint brush, you can use spray paints to spray. Marker can be replaced by black spray paint.

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