Introduction: Make Rorschach Painting in 5 Minutes!

About: Just a regular guy who loves transforming everyday stuff into something cool!
Swiss psychologist Hermann Rorschach's birthday was celebrated on 8th November. The inkblot patterns he used in the test are very easy to make and give a fun addition to the interiors. It does not require painting skills, and can be completed in less than 5 minutes!

Step 1: Materials and Tools

1. A sheet of plastic . I have used an opened up platic bag
2. Black acrylic color. I prefer one from the bottle because its more fluid than one on tubes
3. A piece of water color paper. The piece should be slightly bigger than a platic sheet

1. Sticky tape
2. scissors for trimming the paper (optional)
3. A working surface/board

Step 2: Taping Down the Plastic

Tape down the plastic sheet on the board on two corners as shown. This will prevent the plastic sheet from moving in the rest of the process

Step 3: Mark the Center Line

Fold the plastic sheet in half and crease it. This will make the cnter line for the next steps

Step 4: Ink Down!

Pour the black acrylic paint in some random pattern.
Ensure not to make it too dense. Leave some space for the paint to spread.

Step 5: Make It Symmetric

Fold the part of the plastic sheet that is free, over the center line.
Gently pres down. Rub the sheet only hard enough for the paint to spread evenly. If you press too hard, your blot will smear all over the sheet and will get spoiled.

Step 6: Open Up the Sheet

Once you are sure the paint has spread evenly, open the plastic sheet

Step 7: Transfering the Paint

Gently place the watercolor paper over the inkblot
Press it down very gently so that the entire sheet comes in contact with the inkblot
This ensures that the paint is transfered to the paper completely

Step 8: What Do You See?

Now the inkblot should be visible on the watercolor paper
You can use it as it is and ask your friends what they see in the inkblot :)

Or, in next step you can frame it!

Step 9: Frame It!

You can now trim your paper to size and give it for framing under glass