Introduction: Make Your Fidget Spinner Spin Longer

About: I am an undergraduate student pursuing B.Tech in EEE(Electrical and Electronics Engineering).I am passionate about creating new stuffs using technology and hungry to learn more and more.

Recently i had bought myself a Fidget Spinner for a cheap rate of 50 rupees.

To my surprise ,when put to test it was very hard to spin the fidget and would not even complete more than 1 rotation.

So i decided to open up my spinner and inspect the ball bearings because that is what was causing trouble spinning the fidget.

So in this instructable i would be telling you how to open up your Fidget and do the cleaning .

So lets do it...

Step 1: Materials Required

You require the following materialsto get your spinner spinning




>flat edged screw driver


Step 2: Open the Fidget Cap

Using a flat edged screw driver remove the caps from both the side of the Fidget Spinner.

Step 3: Open the Metal Casing

My Fidget spinner had a ZZ809 metal casing.

Metal casing which protects the bearings from coming in contact with the external environment and help prevents dust and moisture depositing on the bearing.

Make use of a compass and remove the casing from both side carefully.

Step 4: Clean the Bearings

Now that you have removed the Metal casing .

Put the bearing inside kerosene and stir it for about 2-3 minutes.

Once done you will get a clean and shiny surface on the bearings.

Step 5: Add Lubricant

Add lubricant to the ball bearings which would reduce friction and smoothen spinning

Step 6: Build It Back

Assemble all parts of the spinner again and now you have a Fidget which can spin longer than before.

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