Introduction: Mandalorian Verpine Rifle

About: Few words about me: I'm really interestеd in literature and different handmade things
this is a new tutorial about making a mandalorian costume. Here is my new weapon, traditional mandalorian gun: verpine rifle

You will need:
1) paint
2) PVC plastic
3) Rope
4) Field-glass, even if it is a toy
5) Any tube 36mm
6) super glue
7) putty

P.s Yes, i've repainted my armor and made new several plates.. New helmet WIP

Step 1: Drafts

Draw drafts or download them, you'll easilly find it in Google. After that redraw them onto PVC and cut off. Then use super glue and stick together your details as it is a sandwich. For a barrel i used vacuum cleaner.. Time for hunting on ghosts! ;)

Step 2: Details

add ropes, if you want. Make a sight using field glass, then putty your rifle

Step 3: Painting

Just d.. paint it! Anyway, thanks for your attention, good luck!