Introduction: Mexican Casserole Lasagna!

About: Hi! My name is Hannah, and I'm a crafter in progress who loves chickens and sewing!

Who doesn't love spicy Mexican food? This Mexican dish can satisfy your craving for spiciness and flavor. Bonus: It's meat free!! One pan serves about six people, while two serves about 8-10 people.


Note: All the ingredients are for two pans. If you're only using one pan, c

  • Two 3 quart pans
  • Four 10 oz cans of enchilada sauce
  • Two 4 oz cans of hatch chilies AND/OR
  • Chopped jalapenos
  • 2 cups of cooked, dried kidney beans
  • 2 cups of cooked rice
  • 2 cups of frozen corn
  • A least 30 corn tortillas (depending on the size)
  • Cheese

Step 1: Prepping!

Pre-heat your oven to 420 degrees Fahrenheit. While you're waiting, rip up your tortillas into small pieces and make a thick layer on the bottom of the pan.

Step 2: Add the Yummy Stuff!

Layer the beans and rice on top of the tortillas.

Step 3: Even More Yummy Stuff!

Now add the hatch chilies and/or the jalapenos. Then, add the corn.

Step 4: Sauce!

Now empty a whole can of enchilada sauce onto your casserole.

Step 5: Let Me Guess... More Layering?

Rip up some more tortillas and place them on top of your enchilada sauce. It doesn't have to cover every crack, just most of the top. Now, if you're adding cheese, sprinkle it on the top.

Step 6: Finishing Touches!

Finally, add your other can of enchilada sauce onto the top and put your casserole(s) into the oven for 20 minutes.

Step 7: Finished!

Yay! Your casserole is finished and it looks delicious! Enjoy! Thank you for reading and I hope you love this recipe as much as I do!