Introduction: Minature Terrariums

About: Hello! I do craft.
These mini terrariums are amazing! Maybe it is just where I live or something but mine have lasted about 2 months now! I will show you how to make a minature terrarium using simple things you will probably have around your home.


  • a small jar or pot ( the jars I used were from a craft store and they used to store glitter)
  • soil or compost
  • moss or other small plants ( you can usually find these outside in shady areas)
  • something to poke the plant into the pot ( if you cant do it with your fingers)

Step 1:

First grab your supplies. It is really up to you what kind of jar you use but i wanted to use the smallest one possible. Also, I used moss because it is not a highly demanding plant and can live on almost nothing.

Step 2:

Add your soil. I dont suggest filling it up too much becuse if the plant actually grows bigger, there wont be any space for it to grow.

Step 3:

Place your plant inside the jar. Unless you have tiny tweezers you only get one shot at this but it is usually fairly easy to ajust it once it is inside the jar.

Step 4:

Now place the lid on. Well actually... dont. You will starve it of oxygen. If you want to put the lid on, just put it on partially.

Step 5:

And you have done it! These little terrariums are really cool to make and they are bound to interest people! Thank you for reading this instructable :)

Oh and dont forget to water it every once in a while!