Introduction: Mini Potato Pizza Bites

-These no flour pizza bites can be another alternative to normal pizza and can be good snacks for kids.

-Here we are using potato base as crust which is topped with all pizza toppings and herbs and are easily prepared.


-2 Boiled potatoes

-Italian herb paste

-chilli flakes

-Dried oregano



-lime juice

-Tomato puree

-Toppings of your choice(capsicum,mushrooms)

-Sliced onions

-Grated carrot

-Grated cheese

Step 1: Preparing Sauce:

-I used normal tomato puree to which i added italian herb paste which consists of (basilicum,thyme,rosemary,oregano)

- we can add any herbs of our choice. Adding herbs gives nice flavour.

Step 2: Boiling Potatoes and Marinating:

-First step is to boil the potatoes,peel them and cut them in to medium thin slices (like not very thin nor too thick.)

-Add oragano and chilli flakes on all slices. squeeze little lime juice and marinate for 10 minutes.

Step 3: Sauteing:

-Next step is to take a wide pan and little oil in it. When is heated add sliced onions and grated carrot and saute for few minutes.

-Then add remaining toppings of your choice like capsicum slices,mushrooms and saute until they are cooked.

Step 4: Apply Pizza Sauce on Potato Slices:

-Take the marinated potatoes on pan and slightly cook on both sides by adding few drops of oil.

-Keep on low flame and apply pizza sauce.

Step 5: Add All Toppings:

-Now add sauted toppings on it.

Step 6: Add Spices:

-Add paprika powder and salt on all slices by maintaining low flame.

Step 7: Add Grated Cheese

-After adding grated cheese increase the flame, cover it and cook until cheese melts.

-You can even bake at 150 to 200 degree celsius for 5 minutes until cheese is melted.

Step 8: Enjoy Potato Pizzas


-Add toppings and herbs of your choice

-you can even bake them instead of pan cooking.

- To reduce potato taste you can cut them thin but be careful to prevent burning.

Makerspace Contest 2017

Participated in the
Makerspace Contest 2017

Snacks Contest 2017

Participated in the
Snacks Contest 2017