Introduction: Paper Doll Costume!

About: I like make things with my little people . Mainly acrylic painting🎨🖌️🖼️ , and Basic arts and crafts , and make it a point to get the little people into outdoorsy activities. Such as : h20 Balloon fights, 🎈💧🔫re…

I created this costume.

  • It is very easy to make
  • very affordable ( this one was less than 2 dollars to make , i think it totaled to 1.80)
  • can be last minute go to costume
  • can be customized for just about everyone man woman boy girl non binary young old(you get my point)


You will need

  • scrap poster board or newspaper
  • poster board (amount all depends on the size of the person the costume is for)
  • pencil
  • glue or tape
  • scissors
  • ribbon
  • your creativity


  • decorative buttons
  • paper doilies
  • paper with designs
  • pretty gift wrap paper

Step 1:

  • get the person who will be wearing the costume
  • lay them down on the news paper / scratch paper
  • and trace them out
  • you want to focus main on the neck, shoulders, torso and hip area

*if creating solo,

  • grab a t-shirt and shorts preferably non stretch and fits well on you
  • lay that out on the paper and trace away

Step 2:

  • once outline is created
  • get your scissors
  • cut out the outline

Step 3:

now its time to get bring out that creativity and more scratch paper and pencil

sketch ideas of what type of outfit or dress you want.

anything can be done from a simple a line to a elegant gown

decide on what you want

Step 4:

get the cutout and place it on your poster board

begin to trace the design you pick slightly bigger than your cutout

  • dont forget to add a few tabs throughout the design

Step 5:

carefully cut out the design

Step 6:

add any design details

i just added some buttons i had laying around

and used the doilies to create a collar , the trimming of the "pockets" and the lacy trimming for the bottom of the dress

you could possibly even glue a light weight fabric or even a well patterned gifrt wrap paper if you wanted a more realistic look

add the ribbon to the waist line like a belt

make sure its secured

this is how the costume will be attached to you

Step 7:

once all the finishing touches are complete

its time to try it on

add any accessories you feel will compliment your costume

we added a wig and a simple bow

Step 8:

show off your creation and have fun :)

Step 9:

thee end :)

Halloween Contest

Participated in the
Halloween Contest