Introduction: Paper Flower

About: Lazy Craft is a DIY Art and Crafts channel for all age groups

Hey guys! Try this easy and beautiful paper flower DIY.


  • Colored A4 size paper
  • Scissors
  • Glue

Step 1: Take a Coloured A4 Ppaper

Cut out a 4cm width rectangle from the A4 paper.

Then mark at 1cm as shown in the picture and draw a line.

Step 2: Cut Thin Strips

Take a scissor and cut thin strips and make sure that you maintain the 1cm gap from the top

Step 3: Take a 1cm Yellow Colored Paper

Take the yellow colored paper whose height is 1cm and glue it at the end of the blue paper.

Step 4: Its Time to Roll It

You can take a ear bud with the help of which you can role the papers. Start rolling the yellow paper first followed by the blue paper.

Step 5: And Our Flower Is Ready

Now press the strips towards the outser side to make it a beautiful flower.