Introduction: Play Doh With Only 2 Simple and Safe Ingredients
This is a very easy simple clay with two simple ingredients.
Step 1: Materials and Ingredients Needed
Corn Starch
Shampoo/ Hand Soap
Something to mix with
Something to mix in
Ziplock or container
Food Coloring (Optional)
These ingredients may seem similar to my old instructable, two step safe slime, but the ratio of the ingredients are different and the procedure is a little bit different.
Step 2: Shampoo
Take your bowl, put your shampoo in it,REMEMBER:Less Corn starch more shampoo in the first time you put corn starch slowly while you mix keep adding more, and you put the shampoo in first, Now stir the shampoo and try to pop most of the air bubbles
Step 3: Corn Starch
Now add your corn starch into the mixture, and if you want some food coloring, I didn't add any.REMEMBER:Less Corn starch more shampoo in the first time you put corn starch slowly while you mix keep adding more, now mix it together and if it turns into a thick paste it means you have add more corn starch until it comes together
Step 4: Kneading
Now after you stir for a while and are adding corn starch, it will start to come together then you can take it out and start kneading it will your hands until its not sticky, after you do this process it won't be sticky anymore, and it will have a play doh/ clay feel.
Step 5: Results and Storage
So this should have a clay like feel, and you can make structures with it, i have a picture how mine looked like. For storage I store mine in a airtight container or a ziplock bag, I suggest a container so it doesn't stick inside the ziplock bag because sometimes it will stick in the ziplock bag. This is more solid than water and flour/ corn starch because it is more solid and dries up less faster