Introduction: Room Decor Rocks (Up Cycling Old Rocks)
These bright and colorful rocks look so pretty that I have one sitting on my night stand. Using only a few materials you can make these bright colorful rocks in less than 10 minutes!
Step 1: Getting the Materials
You will need at least two different colors of nail polish (You can use more than two colors), a disposable bowl, rubber gloves, water, a toothpick, and a rock.
Step 2: Adding the Color
Fill the bowl half way with water. Pour a color of nail polish in the water randomly. Pour in your next color in also in a random pattern. You need to do this for all of your colors.
Step 3: Finishing Off the Design
To finish the design use a toothpick to swirl around the colors. If you decide not to do this step, the results will not be as good. Put your gloves on and put the side you want to have color on top of the nail polish in the water.
Step 4: The Drying Process
When you are ready to take them out swirl your other hand around the rock moving the excess away. Make sure when you do take them out of the water to have a couple of paper towels lying on top of each other so that way you don’t get nail polish on your work counter. Let them dry for about 1 hour just to be safe.
I wanted to make these just for fun, but they turned out so cool that I have them in my room where I look at them every day!