Introduction: Soldering Easy Peasy
Hello ...
today i would like to explain electronics soldering process .
as new to electronics you may think soldering is complicated or dangerous
Let's see :)
Step 1: Materials and Tools
- Soldering iron (if fixed wattage iron i prefer 40W irons ) (if soldering station 350C or 650F is good temprature for circuits )
- Solder alloy wire
- soldering assistant (paste or rosin aka kalafonia)
- wet soldering sponge
- PCB (strip board or any kind you prefer )
- some component to try solder it
- wire cutter
Step 2: Preparing Soldering Iron
first use
we have to make sure our soldering iron is pretty good conducting much heat to soldering tip
so if the original tip is not ceramic it's better to replace it with ceramic one "actually it's aluminum based tip"
but we call it ceramic tip here in egypt.
after replacing the tip now we have to tin the tip for first use
heat up your soldering iron and fuse some solder wire on the tip until it fully covered and shiny .
Step 3: Preparing the Pcb and Components
Now we are ready to solder
but we need to check everything is great and ready
we have a pcb want to solder something on it so we have to make sure it's clean and no oxidation or something else stick to it's surface because this things will give you bad results after soldering process .
so it's ok to clean it with dry dishes scrub or if the board is new and no components on it clean it gently with dishes soap and scrub then rinse it and wait until it dry .
make sure traces needed to solder are shiny
Step 4: The Soldering Process
Ok now we have everything ready
let's start to solder
the first thing to do after heat up the soldering iron is cleaning the soldering tip
do you remember our soldering sponge ?
yes just wipe the tip on it until it get shiny
apply a little bit of soldering paste on your PCB
then add your component
"this step should be done very quick"
but your sodering tip on the pcb trace you need to solder grab solder wire with your other hand , heat the trace for 2 seconds and get in with solder wire then get out
you should pull the solder wire before pulling the solder iron
the whole process shouldn't take more than 5 seconds
cut the extra pins with wire cutter
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