Introduction: Sunflower Brooch

In this instructable we will be making a Sunflower Brooch which you can attach to your shirt or jacket.

You will need:

- Scissors,

- 2 yellow sheets of foam (28 cm by 21 cm minimum size if you are making 12 brooches),

- 2 white sheets of foam (28 cm by 21 cm minimum size if you are making 12 brooches),

- Craft glue,

- 12 safety pins (if you are making 12 brooches),

- Compass,

- 30 cm ruler,

- and Pencil or Pen.

Step 1: Mark Vertical Lines on Yellow Sheet of Foam

Use pencil or pen to mark five vertical lines separated by 7 cm on two yellow sheets of foam.

Step 2: Mark Horizontal Lines on Yellow Sheet of Foam

Use pencil or pen to mark four horizontal lines separated by 7 cm on two yellow sheets of foam.

Step 3: Mark Circles With Compass

Use compass to mark 24 circles on two yellow sheets of foam.

Step 4: Cut Out the Squares

Use scissors to cut out the 24 squares.

Step 5: Cut Out the Circles

Use scissors to cut out the 24 circles.

Step 6: Mark Four Horizontal Lines on Two White Sheets of Foam

Use pencil or pen to mark four horizontal lines separated by 7 cm on two white sheets of foam.

Step 7: Mark Vertical Line on Two White Sheets of Foam

Use pencil or pen to mark 29 vertical lines separated by 1 cm on two white sheets of foam.

Step 8: Cut Out the Horizontal Lines

Use scissors to cut out the horizontal lines.

Step 9: Cut Out the Vertical Lines

Use scissors to cut out the vertical lines.

You will end up with 29*6 = 174 spikes. However, you only need 12 Brooches * 12 Spikes per Brooch =144 spikes. Thus you will have 30 spikes left over that you can use for other projects.

Step 10: Insert the Safety Pin Inside the Flower

The three photos show the steps in inserting the safety pin. The double loopy/circle end of the pin goes through the foam twice, through the two holes. The u-shape end of the safety pin stays on the same side.

This procedure is similar to the one used in the following instructable:

Repeat the procedure 12 times for each of the brooches.

Step 11: Glue the Parts

You start with the yellow circle without the safety pin. Put it on the table and pour glue as shown (first photo).

Then attach the white spikes (second photo).

Pour glue on the circle with the safety pin (third photo).

Then put the circle with the safety pin on top (fourth photo).

Leave it to dry for a day and you are done (last photo).