Introduction: Tealightholder: WoodWave by Jörgen Börg

About: Electromechanic with a woodworking hobby who interesses in random projects...

In this episode i make a tealightholder out of Zebrano Wood.

Step 1: Step 1: Watch the Video and Get the Right Tools

First i have searched for the right piece of wood. In this case it is ZEBRANO wood. Same wood they use often in mercedes luxurious interiors. You can start in any kond of wood offcourse. like peartree is pretty inexpensive.

I searched online for an anglegrinder Chaindisc:

This disc can easily be mounted on an average anglegrinder. In the video you see how i use it.

Beware, it is extremely sharp and rips trough anything liks butter. Hardwood Or flesh. Really!

1. Making holes.

First we use a forstner drill to make some holes for the tealights.

2. Shaping.

Next we shape it with the angle grinder.

Step 2: Step 2: Finishing!

3. Finish.
For the finish i use danish oil. Let it soak in for a few days before using it for you candles! On the bottom you can put some rubber or synthetic pads so you won't harm the table.

well, that's all. very simple to build, and nice to have in home! great gift for the holidays!!

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