Introduction: The 895 Yen Choker - Japanese Coin Necklace

About: a long time member of Instructables, I only recently began posting my own. Feel free to check them out, rate, comment, question, and copy!
This instructable will show you how to make a pretty cool choker-style necklace out of Japanese coins.  I used Japanese coins because I had a jar of them lying around, but any disk shaped object with a hole in the center will work - including flat beads, arcade tokens, or even old washers.

This choker looks pretty cool with the alternating silver-gold color scheme, and it has a heft to it that I like.  Not to mention, if I ever lose my wallet in Japan I'll at least have ~$10 on me for a phone call or a burger or something. 

It's really easy to make; here's how it works.

Step 1: Materials

  • Coins, with holes in the center.  Preferably two different colors
  • Twine
  • Candle (beeswax if you've got it, I didn't)
  • (Scissors and matches and household stuff)

The most difficult material to find (for Americans) is most likely the perforated coins.  I suggest checking out local arcades for tokens, or getting out the old drill (or dremel!) and defacing some currency.

Step 2: Start

You start by making the first half of the clasp mechanism.

Take two pieces of equal length twine and tie them together using a strong knot, so that the long ends both point in the same direction.  Then tie a second knot one coin-diameter away.  This forms a loop which the other half of the fastener will fit into, later.

Then, seal the knots with a bit of wax.

Step 3: Middle

The choker itself is made by threading alternating types of coins using two very simple techniques.  For my necklace I used two 5 yen coins (the brass ones) for every one 50 yen coin, to add a bit of heft.

Picture 1 is a detail shot of the necklace.

Picture 2 shows a diagram of the threading technique (very simple).

Step 4: End

The final step is to complete the fastener and finish the necklace.  Once your necklace is the desired length, tie another knot to keep all your coins firmly in place.  Then give yourself about an inch and a half of space, and thread another coin into position.  Finally, wrap the two loose ends of twine back towards the previous knot, thereby keeping the end coin in place.  Then tie a second knot right next to the first, and you're done.  Snip off the loose ends, and seal with wax. 

Picture 2 shows a diagram of this process.

To wear your choker, simply push the end-coin through the loop in the other end, and give it a half twist.  It shouldn't be coming off. 

I hope you like it.  Now just go wear it proudly around town.

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